
Chapter One :Chapter 1

In a rural village along the Changbai Mountains in the northeast of China.

Yun Yi clumsily pushed open the door, rushing into the main room on the left. Seeing an old man with white whiskers, who looked frail lying on the kang, his eyes instantly welled up with tears. He rushed forward all at once.

"Grandfather, you’ve always been healthy. How did you suddenly become seriously ill?" Yun Yi spoke, putting down the small medical box, and getting out the needle bag. "I will start the acupuncture for you right away!"

Yun Yi's hand was grasped by the old man, whose originally turbid eyes now shone with a hint of brightness. "My dear grandson, everyone has a destined life span. Self-healing is not possible. Your Grandpa is nearing his end, there’s no need to hustle!"


"Yun Yi, lying on this bed, I’ve been thinking about my life. I do not fear heaven or earth, nor do I feel ashamed of my ancestors. There's only one thing I regret!"

"Grandfather, whatever it is, as long as I can do it, I promise I will!" Yun Yi wiped away his tears, looking at the old man on the kang, voicing his determination.

"Grandfather's request is for you to explore the dragon vein, listen to the phoenix's sound. In essence, seeking the dragon and the phoenix is one. I want you to marry Miss Ye from the Phoenix-seeking tribe, to continue our lineage. Will you agree?"

"Grandfather, I promise you, but your health…” Yun Yi voiced his concern.

"Living a year or two longer, I can still hang on. Before I close my eyes, I only want to die without regrets!"


The Capital, Tianjing.

Carrying a hefty bag over his shoulder with bedding, Yun Yi stepped out of the massive, magnificent West Station hall. Breathing in the chilly air of early spring, asking directions along the way, he finally arrived in front of a high-end office building.

"Hey, hey, you, stop! I’m talking to you!"

"You're calling me? Is there something?" Yun Yi turned around, looking at the security guard who had flashed past his huge bag on his back, and asked.

"What do you think you're doing, lugging those big and small packages? Do you know what this place is? Hurry up and leave," the security guard prepared to chase him off.

"Am I bothering you? On what grounds are you not letting me in?"

The security guard looked at this stubborn fellow, jokingly pointing at the white-collar elites in suits and leather shoes coming and going, "See that? You want to enter this high-rise, fine! But dressed as a grubby beggar, do you think it is appropriate? If I let you in, I'd be immediately fired!"

Yun Yi glanced at the people going in and out, simply replied, "Oh, so luggage isn't allowed? And I need to dress properly, got it!"

Having said that, he turned around, got down on his knees, and unstrapped the luggage from his shoulder and opened his backpack.

"Hey! Is this your home?" The security guard was speechless. He watched Yun Yi aura at the gate, stripping down to his bare chest; goodness gracious, this isn't a place to flaunt your body!

Aren't you afraid of the cold? It's still freezing in March in the north.

Yun Yi took out a slightly crumpled white shirt from his backpack, threw it on, and then put on a Zhongshan suit that looked like it might be an antique. He quickly put them on, "You city people sure are fussy, can I go in now? Oh, by the way, could you watch my luggage for me?"

With that said, he walked into the glittering, high-end office building.

Goodness, "I'll watch your luggage for you," he mumbled under his breath, but as Yun Yi approached the front desk, he was about to call him back but stopped. "Pass my clearance, and you think you can just waltz through the reception?"

"Um... I'm looking for someone, can you tell me she's here?"

Walking up to the reception, he addressed the beautifully made-up receptionist, who was far more stunning than any beauty in miles around.

"Look for someone? Who are you looking for?" the receptionist has good manners, even though Yun Yi looked unkempt, she didn't pull a face.

"Ye Xuefei. My grandfather told me when she was on TV, she was in this building. By the way, she looks quite similar to this woman!" Yun Yi said, pulling out a yellowish old black-and-white photo from his pocket and showed it to the receptionist.

"Our President Ye?"

Despite the photo being old, taken in black and white in a style reminiscent of the Republic of China era, the two receptions recognized immediately the person in it. Possessing an air like no others but President Ye.

"You are looking for our President Ye?"

The receptionist hesitated somewhat. This bumpkin couldn't possibly want to claim kin, could he? Or else why would the photo he brought resemble President Ye this much?

"I want to wed her and take her home as my wife!" Yun Yi seriously told the two receptionists: "Since she’s here, could you notify her for me, please? Tell her Yun Yi from Xunlong Yun family, came to propose a marriage."

The two receptionists swallowed hard, unable to believe their own ears! They looked at this riff-raff of a bumpkin and asked, "What did you say, what are you here for?"

"I'm here to propose. I want to marry Ye Xuefei and take her home as my wife," Yun Yi reiterated seriously.

The two receptionists exchanged glances before one picked up the phone and spoke, "Security? Could you come to the front desk of the lobby, please?"

Yun Yi furrowed his brows, "What do you mean by this!"

"What we mean is that you're mentally ill, and quite seriously too!" The receptionist looked at Yun Yi as if she were looking at a lunatic. Who comes to their place, boldly proclaiming to marry their President Ye, other than someone sick?

"Security, please escort this man out."

"A beggar?" A burly security guard looked up and down at Yun Yi, showing visible disdain. With an annoyed look, he commanded, “Throw him out!” At his command, two strapping young security guards stepped forward.

Instead, Yun Yi, looking at the towering security chief, retorted, “I'm not a beggar, I'm here to find someone!"

"He said he wants to marry our President Ye. I think he's seriously ill!" At this point, the receptionist added.

"Well, kiddo, you have an eye for beauty, but let me tell you, our President Ye is a luxury that people like you can't afford to marry. Even the act of staring at her is luxurious, and you dare to say such words!”

"Don't kid yourself, what kind of person are you? Get out!" said the security captain, gesturing to his men to drive Yun Yi away, as if swatting a fly.

Two security guards immediately lunged forward, reaching out to grab Yun Yi. Even a clay Buddha has a temper, and being disrespected like this, despite being generally good-tempered, Yun Yi was somewhat annoyed. As the two guards started to pull him away, their hands gripping him.

Yun Yi frowned, his unimposing body yet possessed an extraordinary strength, with a push and a bump, almost in a blink, the two guards who were holding him flew out like kites with cut strings, flung several meters sideways, stalling and tumbling onto the ground.

The security captain was taken aback and glanced at his two men. Although they were not special forces or scouts, they were nevertheless ex-soldiers; healthy young men with strong builds. After becoming security guards, they never neglected their daily exercises, and yet here they were, flung away.

The security captain broke out in cold sweat. It seemed they had encountered someone skilled in martial arts. Weighing his own strength, the security captain quickly picked up a walkie-talkie: "Everyone gather in the hall, we've got trouble!"

Seeing the captain's actions, Yun Yi curled his lips and said: "Country bumpkins fight and only call for help when they're losing, you call for help without even throwing a punch, hmm, you're nothing but a loser."

Hearing Yun Yi's words, the captain's forehead veins popped. This was absolutely intolerable: "You beggar, say that again!" The security captain bellowed angrily.


"You're asking for it!" The captain, driven to a rage, swings his big fists towards Yun Yi.

Although smaller in size, Yun Yi's reactions were twice as fast. As the captain's fist flew out, Yun Yi took a quick step forward, grabbed the captain's arm, and tossed him over his shoulder with a neat judo throw.


"Show some respect, who you're cursing at, watch your language!" Yun Yi admonished the captain who curled up like shrimp, and from the side of the hall, seven or eight security guards rushed in, bearing a show of great force.

Yun Yi raised his head to glance.

"What's going on here?" Suddenly, a booming voice echoed from behind, the guards turned their heads look, making way.

"Mr. Zhang!"

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